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Our Brand Partners



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It all started with Ueli Prager, son of a Swiss hotel owner, and his vision to make simple things extraordinarily well. Easily, like a sea gull in full flight, people should have the opportunity to have a good meal without having to spend a lot of time By the way, the “v” in the term “Möve” [in contrast to the normal Swiss German spelling with a “w”: “Möwe”] was not only supposed to be an eye-catcher, but it was also to signify the wings of said sea gull in full flight. In 1848, he opened the “Caridenhof”, a “premium food bar” in the city centre of Zurich; Mövenpick was born, the rest is history, a very successful history indeed. Beyond ice-cream, Mövenpick today is a brand that stands for high competence in terms of breakfast and indulgence in general, e.g. in the coffee segment. In the areas of premium fruit bread spreads and fruit yoghurts, they are the market leader. We are all the more proud to have been able to produce the fruit yoghurts for Mövenpick as a licenced partner for years.

To find out more about our Mövenpick products, come this way:


bauer natur markenpartner die biene maja content bild



The funny, clever and curious Maya the Bee has been delighting young and old alike for over 100 years. She has fans all over the world and with the new animated series, two successful movies and the brand new movie adventure coming soon, she continues to grow in popularity. Maja's best qualities - friendly, clever and curious - make her an idol for children. We at Bauer are also big Maya fans and, as a license partner of Studio 100 since 2019, we are delighted to be able to offer fruity yogurts with the cheerful likeness of the world's most popular bee. We only use milk from Bavaria for the mild, low-fat yogurts in various portion sizes. The fruit for the yoghurts is particularly finely pureed - which is especially tasty for the little gourmets. We also associate Maya the Bee with our commitment to the protection and preservation of bees and insects, which are so important for our entire ecosystem. Participation is welcome, because each of us can play our part here. We are currently supporting Maya's insect protection initiative “Maya the Bee - Project Corn Poppy Meadow”.

Click here for our Maya the Bee products:

Maya the bee



taste the power

Seit über dreißig Jahren widmet sich Layenberger der Entwicklung von Produkten, die Menschen dabei unterstützen, sich ausgewogen zu ernähren und ihr Wohlbefinden zu verbessern. Mit einem breiten Sortiment an High Protein Produkten hat sich Layenberger als verlässlicher Begleiter auf dem Weg zu einer gesünderen Lebensweise etabliert. Wir sind stolz darauf, nun einen neuen Lizenzpartner an unserer Seite zu haben. Dank dieser Partnerschaft können wir leckere, funktionale Molkereiprodukte mit der Extraportion Protein anbieten. Gemeinsam freuen wir uns darauf, die Vision einer ausgewogenen und proteinreichen Ernährung weiter voranzutreiben.

Hier geht es zu unseren Layenberger Produkten:


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